🎊πŸ’ͺ🏾 Fab Feb As Always πŸ’ͺ🏾🎊


And just like that, another month flies by. Finally received the results from the January exams - I got a high 2:1 on average which I'm chuffed with especially bearing in mind how I felt after each exam! The lab reports have also came back as high 2:1s which left me over the moon.

The shortest month in the year has felt even shorter still, It's been very busy at university with computational labs, helping out the Chemistry Society and keeping up with samba amongst other things.

Chemsoc University Challenge
A poster advertising ChemSoc's version of University Challenge
Earlier in the month, ChemSoc put on their own version of infamous BBC Two gameshow hosted by Jeremy Paxman: University Challenge. As one of the year reps for first year Chemists, the responsibility of choosing who would represent us for the challenge fell to myself and Sarah, the other year rep.
After fending off strong competition from contenders from the other years, the team went on to defeat the all star staff team to everyone's surprise. Well done lads!!! (And whoever chose the team!)

Orchids 2016 @ Kew Gardens

If you're from London, you might have spotted the ad below on your regular commute on the London Underground. I have been lucky enough to be chosen to provide entertainment and contextual atmosphere in the form of a small samba show and dance class along with other drummers and dancers from Paraiso School of Samba!
An advert for Orchids 2016 at Kew Gardens
It was an amazing experience. I've never been to the Kew Gardens beforehand and I wasn't overly keen the idea of going to a flower display but this really was special. The arrangements and choice of specimen are a celebration of plant life and habitats in Brazil (which explains why my glasses fogged up as soon as I walked in).
Close-up of one of the orchid arrangements taken on my phone
Bromeliads arranged to resemble dancers during Brazilian Carnival
Vitality North London Half-Marathon

Training has been underway for the run on the Sunday, 20th of March through most of North London (so many hills -_-) and finishing up inside Wembley! I'm aiming to run under 1 hr and 30 minutes which will be very difficult but isn't impossible.
How I imagine myself smashing through this half-marathon
I will be running to help Just For Kids Law raise the much needed funds to keep the amazing work they are doing for children and young people in London.

If you would like to support with a donation please visit this link:

Once again, thank you for reading my blog and I hope you are all well :)

Brunch w/ the Chemistry Crew

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