📰📰📰 News From March 📰📰📰


Winter term has come to an end and just like that more than half of second year has flown by! Every student has been feeling the deadline season stress but hopefully the easter holidays gives everyone the much needed lift for the last term of uni.

I've been in the my element in the labs for the past month working on several projects which all came to a conclusion at the end of the term. March has been good to me and here's why...

🎊🔊NEW MUSIC!!!🔊 🎊
The cover for my EP entitled LΛS GΛMBAS II.
Just released a project that I have been working for about a year now and it marks three years of teaching myself how to produce music electronically. The project features two vocalists from London (Vulcan MC and DRE) as well as collaborations with other producers.

The project is heavily influenced by the electronic music scene and if you want to hear new music feel free to listen here: 

👥 Migrants Festival 👥

I was lucky enough to attend the Migrants Connections Festival along with some of the Let Us Learn campaigners. The festival was put together with money raised from crowdfunding and was set up to start conversation between the different organisation supporting migrants in London and for them to come together in solidarity.
Dami, Chrisann, Lizzie and Zino performing their play.
Activities on the day ranged from art workshops to hearing the stories of those who have been through the very harsh experience of being detained in a detention centre. We held an interactive session where I spoke a little bit about myself and my story and the audience were treated to a mini-play merging together the experiences of Chrisann, Dami, Lizzie and Zino growing up in the UK.

🤓 Consultancy Work 🤓
Somehow I was recommended to a production company as a chemistry consultant for a scene depicting Johann Jacob Schweppe's initial innovative ideas which led to the birth of the soft drink industry as we know it!

I got to visit the prop store (the same one used by Game of Thrones!!!) to help with chemical set ups that would have been likely in the 18th century, around the time carbon dioxide was discovered and being dissolved in water and used primarily for medication. Unfortunately, the scene was dropped from the final selection of shots but it was an exciting experience nonetheless!
One of the many rooms in the prop-store with scientific equipment collected over the years.

📢 Let Us Learn News 📢
Along with Just for Kids Law, the base of operations for LuL has now moved to Leroy House and hopefully this marks a new chapter of better things to come. More good news is the fact that our very own Dami has got a new position to work in City Hall alongside Matthew Ryder QC who is the deputy mayor for Social Integration and Inclusion, a role we lobbied mayoral hopefuls Sadiq Khan and Zach Goldsmiths for back in April 2016 at the London Mayoral Assemble at the Copperbox. Congratulations Dami 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Myself and Chrisann outside Haberdashers' College
We also visited Haberdasher's Aske's Hatcham College to raise awareness of the campaign to their 6th form students which was quite a humbling experience as they were heavily invested in what we were saying and we were even approached by a young lady afterwards who was very interested in what we do.

Well I hope you are enjoying the brighter skies and I wish you all an enjoyable Easter break!

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