🎊πŸ’ͺ🏾 Fab Feb As Always πŸ’ͺ🏾🎊


This month has been full of exciting, positive news. It has been busy as usual but exciting all the way. Early morning in lectures and late nights in labs have never been so eagerly anticipated this year!

Labs are back on and the challenging yet interesting content in second year have been particular enjoyable this month. Good news from the Let Us Learn scholarships campaign and a talk for TEDxEastEnd have also made this month one to remember...

⚗⚗⚗ Labs ⚗⚗⚗
The mind-boggling set up for the synthesis of ferrocene
Labs have been particularly enjoyable this year as we are working on some very important reactions like the synthesis of Ferrocene - an Imperial College discovery which is widely used in the pharmaceuticals and automobile industry.

Most of the compounds and starting materials used in the reactions are very dangerous indeed which makes labs all the more exhilarating. 
The making of Ferrocene!
More Let Us Learn Success πŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ’ͺ🏾πŸ’ͺ🏾
UCL created a brand new scholarship that covers young migrants who are being blocked from accessing student finance! Amazing progress has been made this year with the campaign!

We have managed to secure meetings with other universities like Imperial and Goldsmiths who can hopefully follow suit! We are also supporting Agnes who aspires to become an astronaut raise some funds to take up her place at Manchester. Feel free to support by following the link below.

In other news, we are moving from our Euston office this month and will be based in Canonbury which should be interesting to say the least.
Last Let Us Learn Gathering before the move to Canonbury
 πŸ—£πŸ“’ TED x EastEnd πŸ“’πŸ—£

Taking the stage at Hackney Empire for my TEDxEastEnd talk!
All this hard work over the past 3 months finally paid off! I felt as if my insides were eating themselves up when I was up on stage and could feel the nerves bubbling up as soon as I took the stage.

I shared my story and that on the Let Us Learn campaign to highlight the plight faced by migrants globally.

 I was overwhelmed with a huge sense of relief when the talk was over and I finally realised that it has all been worth it! The feeling of jubilation took over my whole body and I could feel the positive energy beaming from the crowd as they clapped me off stage.

This is one of the proudest moments of my life as I had the opportunity to represent the Let Us Learn campaign as well as migrants in general to inspire and challenge perception in the society we live in.

Click watch again ----> Skip to 3 hrs 16 mins

Live Q&A with the other inspiring speakers. Kirsten Dautenhahn, Babita Sharma and Jeremy Burge!
Once again, thank you for reading my blog and I hope you are all well πŸ˜¬

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