🌇🎆🍂 November's Gone 🍂🎆🌇


I hope you are all getting your daily fix of Vitamin C to fight off the dreaded colds and flus that are popping up everywhere. Winter is coming....

Brace yourselves, it's going to be a cold one. Whether it's waiting for the delayed Central line or braving the elements to cycling to uni, it's been worth it. Here's why...

1st Year Rep Meeting 📝📝📝
It's nice to be back in the position ofAcademic Rep this academic year. The first meeting followed on very shortly after the elections results were announced. Myself and the other rep managed to swiftly discern the most important issues facing the year and presented these at the meeting.

These are always insightful and have helped me with structuring a talk and presenting findings coherently. This meeting was particularly special as Senior Staff and Chemistry Year Reps got to meet each other for the first time. The meeting lasted for 2 hours but we were given free food so I can't complain!

The Let Us Learn campaign has been churning away at plans for an action and we are proud to announce #MincePieFriday!!! So the idea is to visit several universities across London, with the hope of reaching out to those with the power to bring about positive change in the form the availability of scholarships for young, gifted and blocked migrants in the UK with no access to student finance.

We will be visiting with mince pies and our personal stories to try and get meetings with heads of universities. We will be tweeting news/pics from @LetUs_Learn and some stuff on our FB too – please share and follow the events on #younggiftedandblocked and #mincepiefriday hashtags.

Have a look at the video below which is being used to promote the scholarships campaign started by the Let Us Learners in October of this year.

🍲 Chinese Night w/ Friends 🍲
It's been a while since I hosted a themed dinner so it was about time! It was fun to have a few friends around over some homemade (mostly) Chinese food and to have a general chat.

Everyone seems to have been caught off guard by the picture 😂😂😂
P.S. I have some very exciting news for everyone reading this. But, I can't tell you until the next blog entry. I promise it'll be good... Until next time!

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  1. Great 'Let Us Learn' video - do hope it helps get you nearer to that university place

    1. Thank you for the positive feedback on the video Barbara. The video is to help secure other scholarships for others affected by the change in law who currently have no access to a student loan.


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