☀📚☀ MAY ☀📚☀


 It has been a quiet month with exams approaching, second year of Chemistry is nearly over! 28 days and just like that, it will all be over. This year has been a challenging year to say the least and with exams looming around the corner, the worst is yet to come.

🎳 Bowling 🎳
 Bowling  w/ the Chemistry Crew
Most university courses would be done by this time of the year but not us! Us chemist's here at Imperial had an extra third term of lectures before our final exam. It was a welcomed break when we all decided to enjoy an evening of bowling to start the term off before it all got hectic. 
It was nice to see everyone again after the long Easter holiday and to spend some time getting to know my fellow chemists outside of the normal schedule at uni. Even managed to get a couple of decent strikes during the game.

🎉 Just for Kids Law - 10th Anniversary 🎉
As some of you may know, the Let Us Learn campaign which I actively work with are under an organisation called Just For Kids Law. Their 10th year of representing minors in legal battles was celebrated this month and it was a special affair. 

👇 Check out the video below to see all the amazing work they have done over the past decade 👇

Highly esteemed guests from organisations such as the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Unbound Philanthropy, Simpson Millar Solicitors and many more. The event was held near King's Cross and we had the pleasure of being entertained by the amazing singing duo of Lizzie and Agnes (fellow Let Us Learn campaigners) after testimonials and speeches from the founders of Just For Kids Law, Shauneen Lambe and Aika Stephenson.

Back with NCS Challenge
Unfortunately I didn't make it past the final interview stages for the Crick-Cavella Summer Programme which I would have been a brilliant experience over the summer months. I have however been fortunate enough to be accepted back onto the NCS Challenge.

My role as a music practitioner last summer was very rewarding and taught me a lot about myself. This time round, I will be a senior mentor, responsible for overseeing the journey of a group of Year 11 Leavers over the 3 week course of the programme and will most likely be working with a couple of cohorts. Looking forward to the challenge, no pun intended!

BBQ @ our student accommodation
© Andreea Otilia Şuiu
I hope you are all enjoying the amazing weather that we have been blessed with lately (Perfect BBQ weather!). Wishing good luck to those who still have exams and I hope you all enjoy your summer and holidays if you're lucky enough to have them!


P.S. Make sure you vote 👍

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