📚📚📚 April's Gifts 📚📚📚


The deadlines have come and gone, now come the exams. Much of the past month has been spent studying for my final set of exams here at Imperial so there hasn't been much time to focus on other commitments. There are still some important updates you might be interested in...

❄️💷❄️ Freeze the Fees Demonstration ❄️💷❄️
 Plans for a public action following the recent Freeze the Fees conference were put into action and on the 18th of April, campaigners from the Let Us Learn Campaign gathered outside Downing Street to raise awareness around the increasing prices for applications to renew residency in the country that are already disproportionally high. 

Campaigners stood holding giant cheques directed to Amber Rudd, who has now resigned amidst the Windrush Scandal, highlighting the total cost per application. The visual representation of these exorbitant fees has garnered a lot of attention from the media.
Let Us Learn Campaigners outside 10 Downing Street

Wednesday 18th April - Coverage of the demonstration in The Guardian

Thursday 19th April - Dami and Chrisann explaining that 'It’s not just the Windrush generation terrorised by Theresa May’s ‘Go Home’ climate' in the Daily Mirror

Sunday 22nd April - Ijeoma takes us around Enfield  and speaks out about her story on the BBC's Sunday Politics

Monday 23th April - Dami, Agnes and Charlotte explaining that the Fees for making Leave to remain applications are extortionate on BBC 5 Live

Wednesday 25th April - Agnes and Michelle speak very powerfully about their stories on Radio 4's 'Today's programme'

Wednesday 25th April - Dami and Chrisann explaining the campaign and why we are asking for the fees to be frozen on BBC Radio 4 Money Box Live

🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾 Good luck to everyone sitting exams!!! 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾

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