November Is Over Already!?!?


It's been a busy month! Hope you've all enjoyed the fireworks. I'm surprised it time for another blog entry already. I'm starting to feel more settled in at university; I'm even cycling from North Acton to South Kensington without the help of a map now!

The Chemistry course gets harder day by day but I'm coping well. By that I mean I haven't cried yet which is always a good sign. The eyebrow muscles however are in good shape from all the confusing chemical kinetics we have been doing recently.

So what is the most exciting thing that has happened this month?

I was lucky enough to be asked by the band manager of Songhoy Blues to support their sold out show at KOKO in Camden. As far as good gigs go, I'd say this was right up there with with the best; it's not everyday you get to play to 2,000 people!

*They misspelt my name but I forgive them*

Songhoy Blues © Transgressive Records
If you haven't heard of the band I would strongly recommend a listen. Their music is just as captivating as the story behind the formation of the band. Imagine you were not allowed to listen to, play or share music as of today... Well that happened in the North of Mali in , forcing the band members to travel elsewhere in order to carry on making a living as musicians. They met in the country's capital and have been making wonderful music every since.  

In other news,  I was fortunate enough to join Jules Pipe, Mayor of Hackney, on the panel for a Ward Forum attended by member of my local borough, Hackney. This was a massive wake-up call. The housing crisis is very very real! I was representing the Let Us Learn campaign and voicing my opinions on concerns in the area, mainly to do with education. The severity of the housing situation in Hackney dominated discussion, unsurprisingly, but people were reassured by Jules who, unlike many politicians, is actually working tirelessly to improve conditions for residents of Hackney.

*Enough of the politics.. they spelt my name wrong here too... Whyyy?!*

Scenes from the People's Climate March 29/11/2015
I might have lied when I said enough of the politics, I promise I'll keep this one short. 

So, we paraded alongside all the activists campaigning for action from government to tackle climate change. By we I mean Rhythms of the City, the new band I joined as of September, and this was the first gig I played with them which was quite fun despite the appalling weather, choppy winds and bouts of rain - you'd think the climate would be on side for that day of all days.

Did I mention we were behind Thom Yorke, from Radiohead, who was playing some quality tunes on a float designed to look like a melting ice cap with a disturbingly life-like polar bear right in the middle of it. Big respect to him for starting his set with some heavy-hitting dub classics!

Well I better go, I've got to learn this solo. Have a wonderful Christmas! 

Will be back with another post letting you know what I've been up to this December!


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