⏩⏩⏩Fast Forward February ⏩⏩⏩


February is the shortest month but I always get caught off guard by how quickly it flies by... the final year project has kept me occupied in the labs thats probably why the month feels like it has disappeared. Other than lab work, things have been pretty busy on this side... 

👨‍🏫👩‍🏫 Decolonising Education: Teachers and Racial Bias 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫
 Attending this event held minutes away from Dalston Junction Station was insightful, inspirational and motivational all at the same time. This was the first time the education team had been to an event together and the breadth of knowledge in the panel alone was something that amazed every single one of us. We heard from each member of the panel and then floor was open to questions from a very vocal audience. Teachers, students, parents... passionate activists came together to voice their opinions on a very pressing issues.
Banner for the event held on the 10th of Feb 2018 © Decolonising Education
We were split into groups and given some cue cards to help spark debate within ourselves as to what could be done to curb the influence racial bias and its impact on the education sector as a whole. This quickly led to critical comments on the education sector and how there is much work to be done to get it to a standard those in attendance deemed acceptable. 

I really enjoyed the topics debated in the room an definitely left with a renewed outlook and realised a lot of people are mobilised and set on bringing about positive change within their respective sectors.

🗣️Project w/ UCL Institute of Education 🗣️
Myself and Adebola had the pleasure of being invited to pilot workshops designed to engage teachers and inform them about the resources available to young migrants who are facing barriers. We had the pleasure of delivering this to a cohort of about 10 students on the BA Educational Studies course over at the IOE taught by Dr Stuart Tannock. 
Myself and Adebola with students from Dr. Tannock's class
It was helpful to hear back from all the students on how our session could be improved and it was a pleasure to be able to share out knowledge gained from all our years campaigning for change regarding migrants and our access to student finance. 

We will be working with these students to come up with a curriculum that they will take into several colleges, primary and secondary schools across London. This should be a worthwhile experience and will also provide the experiences to inform the education team with tools to develop out own curriculum aimed at teachers rather than students.  

🥁TalkingDRUM 🥁

In other news, I went to support a friend who was performing at Balabam, a live music venue in Stamford Hill. They performed some rhythmically tantalising songs from Ghana, Brazil and Cuba. I was so surprised when they performed kpanlogo music from Accra, my birthplace, and even managed to get the pronunciation and accent bang on!


And on that note, I hope you are all surviving this cold snap and the sudden downpour of snow. 

Stay Warm!



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