Highlights from October!


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all once again for supporting my campaign!


This will be an informal medium to keep those interested updated with what I'm up to at university and life in general.

Moving in felt so surreal. A few days after the campaign reached its target, I was moving into halls. I was fortunate enough to be offered a place at Imperial College's new student accommodation situated in Acton. The stunning view from our kitchen makes up for the gruesome 30-minute canal-side cycle to campus.

Freshers week was manic. There was a lot happening to try and welcome new students to uni life. Fresher's Fair,  'The Mingle', Casino Night, you name it.... I was there.
Our first lectures started in the second week and we were already doing diagnostic tests and lab projects. It felt official.. I was becoming a Chemist: I've even got my very own personal lab coat and safety goggles!

I thought it would be difficult to settle in seeing as I've had two years out of education but it's been the least of my worries since I started. The teaching staff are extremely supportive, older students at the college are very approachable (contrary to speculation) and my peers are also just as helpful.
The highlight of my first month has to be building a scientific instrument (UV-Vis Spectrometer) from its component parts and LEGO. Yes LEGO! This was also a very good opportunity to form friendships with my lab partners.

I'm also happy to share with you guys that fact that I was elected as 1st Year Course Rep for Chemistry (I think handing out chocolates before lectures was a very good campaign plan). I thought it would be a good opportunity to become more active with communicating with the other students on my course. I'm also good with names so I thought I would make a good course rep based on that fact.

Posters I made for the course representative campaign
I didn't think I would but I've been cooking at uni... a lot. I've even been doing the whole make-a-sandwich-the-night-before thing! My obsession with cooking (hope it lasts) even extended as far as hosting a Mexican Night with a few friends I made from freshers week. We had nachos for starters, fajitas and chilli con carne afterwards and some Mexican music running in the background.

We are lucky enough to have a gym seconds away from our accommodation. Of course I've signed up! After running a time of 1 hour and 40 minutes for my first half-marathon (supporting the TIKO Foundation), I'm set on getting a new personal best for my next half-marathon in March with Just for Kids Law.

It's been a hectic month but I really feel like I've found my feet at uni and I look forward to the years to come as an Imperial student. Thank you all once again and I will endeavour to make the best of my time as university: academically and socially.

Thank you for reading my first blog! There will be many more to come.

Remember the lab coat and goggles we were given? Well it was Halloween yesterday so I figured...
Doc Brown from Back To The Future???

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