😲🍂 Unexpected November 🍂😲


Synthesis labs from 9 AM till 6 PM, cold cycles to and from uni, battling the flu left and right and centre, you'd think this November was shaped to be a drab, predictable one but, to my surprise, it hasn't. Here's why...

🎭🥁 Samba Gigs 🥁🎭
Sounds Like a Friday Nights © BBC
November is never the highlight of a samba drummer's calendar but I'd say this one might change that for me. I've had the opportunity to feature live alongside Stefflon Don and Demi Lovato for BBC's "Sounds Like a Friday Night" which was an exciting experiences.
Myself and the other drummers after the live studio recording
We got the chance to see how a TV programme is made straight from the studio (in White City literally two stops away on the tube from me!) and we're even treated to our own dressing rooms, brushing shoulders with the presenters of "Pointless".

Drumming through the side streets off Oxford Circus for the Carnaby Street Winter Carnival and the official turning on of the Christmas lights wasn't too bad either. Although drumming outside in the November cold in just a shirt isn't something I'd rush to do again. 

👇👇👇 Here's a short video from the event 👇👇👇

🗣️ NUS Black Students' Winter Conference 🗣️
As leader of the LuL education team, I was delighted to be invited to sit on the Panel for the NUS Black Students' Winter Conference held at University of West London in Ealing - also two stops away on the tube in the opposite direction. 
Representing LuL on the panel @ NUS Conference
Also gracing the panel was Dr. Denise Noble (Senior Lecturer of Sociology) and Neha Shah (Diversity Activist at Oxford). Questions varied from how people could directly help in opening up scholarships for blocked migrants to our thoughts on what needs to be done to ensure "decolonisation" of further and higher education curriculums. 

We also led a workshop on public speaking and social action planning briefly after. They were very well received and it was a great opportunity for newer members of the campaign to get a feel for the more hands on aspects of the campaign. It was great to meet like minded activists and to be presented with opportunity to work together to create positive change. 
A group discussion in the second part of the workshop facilitated by the amazing Jessica!
🤗 Migrant and Refugee Welcome Tour @ Foundling Museum 🤗

Sharing stories with the refugees I met at refugee event organised by Liv from Just For Kids Law was insightful to say the least. The organisation, Migrants and Refugee Welcome Tours, help people with newfound refugee status in the UK settle into life as smoothly as possible by showing them around areas of interest in London.

But things weren't as easy as that, speaking to a Syrian refugee attending the meeting really put the challenges they faced in perspective. His story was one of success but he campaigns day in day out for people in less fortunate situations than himself. 
Myself, Precious and Anika with Liv from J4KL!
🏟️⚽🎉 Arsenal Vs Huddersfield 🎉⚽🏟️

Myself and three other mates were lucky enough to get some last minute tickets for Arsenal's 5:0 thumping of Huddersfield Town in the Premier League. Although we missed the first goal (someone was late, definitely not me! 👀), we were treated to four more cracking goals by the end of the game!

And on that note, I hope you all enjoy the festive times ahead and thanks for reading this month's entry!


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