👻👻👻 October's Surprises 👻👻👻


This month has been full of surprises to say the least, luckily they have't been of the spooky kind! Wouldn't want to speak too soon though. I've been surprised by just how much work is being done by the younger generation to bring about positive change. Let's start with...

🌍 WMHD @ City Hall 🌍

As some of you will know, 10th of October was World Mental Health Day and I was fortunate enough to be invited to an event at City Hall with a host of passionate speakers sharing their experiences with several issues surrounding mental health.

From spoken word artists sharing their artistic pieces to an author sharing her battle with anorexia, we were reminded of the importance of discussing mental health in a safe space and being a champion for those who might be suffering at any point in time.

The biggest surprise of the night was when students from Hendon School came up and spoke about all the campaigning they have been involved in, ever since their principal committed suicide. Their drive to raise awareness and support others was truly awe-inspiring. They have won numerous awards for their efforts and even have an app out there to provide support for those who seek it.
Pupils from Hendon School displaying their mental health charter in 2016 © Jenny Desborough
🎼 🎻 Chineke! Foundation 🎻🎼
Out of all the BlackHistory Month events across London, the one that left the biggest impact on me was hearing the story Chi-chi Nwanoku OBE and  how she overcame the barriers she has been presented with in her life.
Chi-chi Nwanoku OBE
Image by Eric Richmond 
Chi-chi was unfortunate enough to receive a career-ending injury which put her athletics career to a halt and at the age of 18, she took up the double bass and avidly pursued a career in music. The rest, as they say is history, Chi-chi has won numerous awards and international recognition for her musicianship.

Chi-chi has witnessed first hand that she is always one of the very few if not the only BAME musicians in the orchestras that she's played in. She set up Chineke! Foundation, a BAME majority orchestra, to address this issue head on! Find out more below...

 >>>>> http://www.chineke.org/ <<<<<

🌊 LUL Away Weekend @ Brighton 🌊
© Sharon Evi Akaka
The Let Us Learn campaign is growing from strength to strength, with a whole host of new members joining the core group and a few long-standing members leaving us to study at their respective universities, we have come to a very critical point.

The majority of our time in Brighton was spent reflecting on how far we have come as a group which was a big shock for me. I realised how much we had accomplished in the little time that we have been up and running. It was also a reminder what we stood for as a group and what our aims for the future were.

There has been a major restructuring in how we will be moving forward as an organisation and expanding our remit is one of those. I cant tell you too much though but I can tell you that I will be the leader of the "Education Team" overseeing, organising and building a network or primary and secondary schools along with universities with the aim of raising awareness and educating our network on migrant issues.
© Emmanuel Opoku

I almost forgot...


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