🌞🌞🌞 What A Summer 🌞🌞🌞


After a little break from blogging for the summer months, I'm back!!! With the summer that we've had I'm sure you haven't missed me too much. I've had a cracking summer and it was so hot that I even caught a tan!

Thought I'd let you guys know how the summer has been with my first blog of the academic year! Here goes...

Working for NCS as a Music Practitioner
2 months of the summer was spent working on the government funded programme called "The Challenge" aimed at engaging Year 11 leavers in bonding, skills-building and volunteering activities to help them give back to their communities.

My job was to give a crash course in samba and provide the young people with the skills needed to interact with a community partner (disability centres, care homes, community centres, etc) and then finally put on a showcase of the three days they spent with me as their practitioner.
A classroom set up for a samba class from yours truly.
Working across London and with 11 different cohorts was extremely demanding but I had such an amazing time and it's refreshing to see young people actively trying to make a positive change in their communities. I also learnt a great deal about myself and had the chance to improve on my leadership, communication and teaching skills.
A thank you card from one of the groups I worked with.
LuL Campaign
The Let Us Learn Campaign keeps going from strength to strength! It has been a busy few months for the members of the campaign, especially those in the core group of campaigners. 
Core LuL campaigners graduating from Shauneen's Leadership Course 
We recently graduated from a leadership programme run by Shauneen Lambe (Executive Director of Just For Kid's Law) and on the back of that we also decided to run a scholarship campaign to alert universities of the need to open up more scholarship for migrant children settled in the UK who do not qualify for student finance.

Schools started back again and myself and Chrisann went to inform a group of sixth formers at Queens Park Community School Academy about the changes to the student finance policies and how it could affect them or their friends.
Myself and Chrisann outside Queens Park Community School Academy.
We also heard some amazing news over the summer! Two of our core team members, Arkam and Sharon, have successfully acquired scholarships to study Geography and History respectively at Kings College London!!! 🎉🎯😀

Carnival and Gigs
This summer has also been full of gigs (too many to get into details!). The most enjoyable was by far Notting Hill Carnival! This has always been a highlight of my summer for many years and I doubt this will change anytime soon. 
Relaxing at carnival after the 3 hour parade with my samba school (Paraiso School of Samba).
Moving in as a Hall Senior
So I moved back into halls as a hall senior and the team has been working hours on end to prep the halls ready for the freshers. As seniors, we are responsible for making sure that the freshers settle in nicely and have a positive experience whilst they are in halls.
The Woodward Hall Senior Team
We were split into different teams based on what floor we live on and tasked with organising separate events to promote social mixing in the halls as well as coming together to organise bigger events for all the residents of the accommodation.
Cheeky selfie whilst on Hall Senior Duty

So that was my summer in a nutshell! I'll be starting my course in early days of October and will keep you updated as always. 

Until next time 👋👋👋

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